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Planet HS

Planet HS is where students and parents complete all their athletic forms and upload their physicals to be able to participate in a sport.

Both Students and Parent/Guardians need to complete forms on Planet HS.

If you have never registered on before click this link to go to the tutorial HERE.

*PDF version*

The student and parent accounts need to be linked.  Here is how to link them:

If you have played a high school sport and you have registered at planet, click this link to go to a tutorial HERE.

*PFD Version*


Contact Info

If you have any questions, contact:

Lynn Bernheim
Activities Administrator
Hutchison High School
907-479-2261 x35515


Thank you for considering donating to Hutchison High School.  Our tax-deductable ID # is 92-6000096.  Our donation letter is here. Thank you!