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Alaska Career Information System

The AKCIS story  

Have you ever experienced being on a road without any directions to where you needed to go.     



If we have never traveled on a specific road before, it is helpful to have support to offer help in guiding us to our destination.  

Life can often be the same way.  If we are going somewhere that is unknown to us, then having some sort of direction can be helpful. Directions can be through specific road signs, a map to follow or through someone who has already traveled to the destination.



Relating life after high school to finding directions to an unknown place can be similar in many ways.  Students often have trouble navigating to their unknown destination after high school.  Where do I go, how do I get there, will I have help along the way, what if I make a mistake; these are all questions that students ponder during their high school years.  

Follow these steps to help navigate to your destination

step 1
Determine your Destination - Use the AKCIS site tools to help determine your career destination / goal 

     At the login page use: use:   Zip code and City


                                                                  Username - hutchisonhs  Password - 4Student

     Once logged in, then follow the prompts, starting with:

  • Get Started  -  this will help you create your own profile with login and password

  • Learn about Myself   -  this will help to identify interests and skills that you have that would make a good fit in varied jobs and careers

street sign
 Create a Map to help Direct you to your Destination

     Use the Career Tree worksheets in the Career Planning tab.  Use these worksheets to help determine a goal 

     Continue using AKCIS site to explore and help create your map (your plan) to achieve your career goal 

  • Learn about Work  -  this will help you gain an understanding of varied occupations and what is involved with jobs within that occupation.  Use the Occupation Sort to look a varied occupations based on traits/characteristics that are important to you. 

  • Learn about School. -  this will help you determine: programs of study needed for your chosen career, schools that offer those programs of study and how to pay for school 

  • Learn about Employment  -  this will help to narrow down the specifics, how to write a great resume, job interview techniques and other helpful tips 

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 Seek out Others for Help 

      Many others have used varied strategies to accomplish their goals, seek them out and ask questions.  Remember that traveling to your career destination is not a "Once Size Fits All" thought process.