Career Planning
Career Planning using the Career Tree method
Watch video on how to utilize the career tree
Step by Step Guide for Career Planning
Step 1: Explore Your Branch
Define your lifestyle - what do YOU define as successful living
Determine what items need to be developed in your root system to support your branch
Use the Career Tree Compare and Contrast Report to determine your branch level
Step 2: Defining Your Leaf.
Define your interests
See the AKCIS tab to explore your interests by navigating to the "Learn More About Myself" link -
Explore careers that involve your interests, passions, and lifestyle
Use the Career Tree Branch Report to help clarify your thoughts
Step 3: Develop Your Roots.
Identify academic classes needed to develop your tree trunk, branches and leaves
Determine professional skills to develop while attending classes and pursuing goals
Distinguish experiences, whether new or old, to help increase confidence
Build passion for success as confidence builds
Use the Career Tree Root System Career Plan Report to help identify all four; academics, professional skills, experiences & passion
Step 4: Reassess Your Goals - "For Now" Mindset.
Your branch and your leaf is for you to determine, if a change is needed, repeat steps 1 - 3
Careers that are pursued now, do not need to last your lifetime, the goal you set is just for this moment in life.
Step 5: Build your Resume.
Combine all your roots to create your resume`
Use the Career Tree Resume Planner Worksheet to help identify skills and experiences
Step 6: Determine the best pathway after high school
Pursuing a career is not a "One-Size-Fits-All" mindset
Explore varied options to determine best pathway for your success